Version 2.0 is going live soon.

Version 2.0 Coming Soon!

Meet your AI Assistant for Compliance

Readily finds and closes compliance gaps - saving you hours on regulatory research, gap analysis, crosswalks, and audit.

Backed by

SOC 2 Compliant


Find the needle
in the haystack

Effortlessly navigate through the maze of regulations, legislations, contracts, and policies to find the answers you need in seconds.

Extensive Knowledge

Harness company documents with public records for superior insights.

Instant Lookup

Retrieve relevant information in seconds - saving hours.

Answers You Can Trust

Get answers that can be verified by references from documents.

Secure Data Encryption

Ensure your data's safety with top-tier encryption.


Backed by AI

Perform compliance work with drastically higher efficiency and accuracy - saving hours and dollars.

Gap Analysis

Compares hundreds of P&Ps against regulatory requirements to identify discrepancies.

Regulatory Research

Regulatory Research

Regulatory Research

Find accurate answers grounded in thorough research of a vast database of legislations.


Automatically maps regulatory requirements to highlight overlap and conflicting regulations.

Document Preparation

Document Preparation

Document Preparation

Finds supporting documents for audit requirements, streamlining the preparation process.


Tackling Our Users
Pain Points

  • I hope this is accessible to all health plans soon. The integration of all the policy and procedures - oh my God, it's hours of labor saved! Love this.

    Jamie T.

    Manager, Compliance Audit

    It takes me 10 hours to read and do gap analysis on an APL, and it takes a novice 2x longer. This would save us hours!

    Alex R.

    Manager, Audit and Oversight

  • Before, reviewing hundreds of policies and procedures (P&Ps) and internal documents for every regulatory change was an impossible task. Now, it can be done almost instantly.

    Casey J.

    Director, Regulatory Affairs

    Having the database of regulations where I can go and run my policies or questions against, and getting a summary of all the requirements and where they’re found - this would save us a lot of time.

    Taylor K.

    Specialist, Compliance

    Right now, when you’re looking for a specific section, unless you know where they are housed, there's no word index search, there's no way to pull this easily. This would literally save us a tremendous amount of time.

    Riley S.

    Manager, Audit

  • 🔥 When can we have this?

    Jordan P.

    Compliance Officer

    Being able to instantly locate what I need within hundreds of pages of UM standards instantly is a game-changer. The manual process of sifting through documents before was a huge pain.

    Sam D.

    Senior PM, Accreditation

    I’m so excited. I know how tedious it is to look at a ton of different policies and figure if the plan is compliant or not. This would make DMHC and DHCS’s life so much easier.

    Casey H.

    Manager, Compliance

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Build a compliance workforce backed by the power of AI.

Pandan AI, Inc 2024